Tutorial – Week 2

Since our tutorial last week, i’ve found quite a few potential artists to work with for my project, a few of whom contacted me. After speaking to Dave Farnan again who I mentioned last week, he seems keen on the idea of implementing drums and a full band sound to his tracks which is ideal for what I want to do for this project. I have also been in touch with a band called Kings & Bears who are looking to work with me on recording and filming some live sessions at a load of different locations. Undertaking this project would also require me to work alongside a film crew which would definitely provide a different kind of environment to work in than i’m used to. In addition to these, i’ve also spoke to a singer/songwriter from Boston about working on his EP, an artist from Lincoln about working on her album and a band from Boston about continuing there EP. Ben also received a response about one of the bands from Access to Music called Helter Skelter.

After discussing the different options, we decided that the best choice would be to go with Dave’s EP. This is mainly because I know I can rely on him as we already have a working relationship, he is a very competent songwriter and is willing to try new ideas that I suggest to him. I also have a session player lined up who can play drums on his tracks.

With regards to the idea put forward by Kings & Bears, because the details of the project are still being discussed we decided that it might be worth spending this semester doing some planning and pre-production on it and ensure its all ready to use for next semesters project.

Once we had come to these decisions we discussed my aims, objectives and learning outcomes in more detail and how to include these in my blog.