Since last week I completed my aim, objectives and learning outcomes so that they were ready to be signed off and posted to my blog. When showing them to Ben however we decided that a few things needed tweaking slightly just so they were clearer. For example, I needed to specify the number of tracks I would be recording, elaborate more on my third learning outcome (vocal production) by describing how I would measure its success and link my learning outcomes to my objectives so I simply wasn’t just listing the steps I would take to record the EP. Once we had resolved these, we discussed the best way to lay my blog out so that my research and learning outcomes were easy to follow. Ben suggested having a separate page for my reflective summary and to make notes after each recording session of what did and didn’t work so that I can elaborate on these when writing my reflective summary. He also suggested making a production plan for the project and to take plenty of photos during the recording sessions to make my blog posts more interesting.